====== Downloads ====== ==== Binaries for Windows ==== * [[http://quad.x-ray.center/downloads/QUAD_1.7.zip|QUAD 1.7]] ==== Source Code on Bitbucket ==== * [[https://bitbucket.org/s-macke/quad]] == Compilation steps == To compile the source code the following requirements have to be met: * c++ compiler like g++ * make * lua scripting language V 5.0 or higher The Linux compilation steps are the following: - Download the source code package - Extract the archive - Compile: ''cd QUAD && make'' - Test the package with ''make test'' == Compilation steps for MAC users == * Install the Home Brew package manager * brew install gcc@6 * brew install lua * The new c compilers should be at: * cd /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin * Download https://bitbucket.org/s-macke/quad Unzip and cd into directory * Edit MakeFile: The lines CC = gcc CXX = g++ should point to the binaries in /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin to use the other compilers. CC = /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin/gcc-6 CXX = /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin/g++-6 * Copy the compiled executable quad somewhere appropriate. You might want to add the directory to your path so you can execute * vim ~/.bash_profile and add the line export PATH=“:$PATH” where is the directory