Table of Contents


Binaries for Windows

Source Code on Bitbucket

Compilation steps

To compile the source code the following requirements have to be met:

The Linux compilation steps are the following:

  1. Download the source code package
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Compile: cd QUAD && make
  4. Test the package with make test
Compilation steps for MAC users

The lines

  CC = gcc
  CXX = g++

should point to the binaries in /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin to use the other compilers.

  CC = /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin/gcc-6
  CXX = /usr/local/Cellar/gcc@6/6.4.0/bin/g++-6

and add the line

  export PATH=“<directory>:$PATH”

where <directory> is the directory