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The Maxwell equations are in principle scale-invariant. However the program is intended to run in the atomic range. To be consistent use for:

coordinates, lengths Angstrom (1e-10 m)
energy eV (Electronvolt)

Command list

Incidence light


  type: decimal number
Desc: Theta angle of the incoming light in degrees


 type: decimal number
 Desc: Phi angle of the incoming light in degrees


 type: Vec3 (only readable)
 Desc: The current wavevector of the incoming light

type: decimal number
Desc: Energy of incoming light in eV

light.polarization (string)

type: string
valid values: 
	"S" : Sigma polarization (perpendicular to the scattering plane)
	"P" : Pi polarization (parallel to the scattering plane)
	"L" : Left circular polarization
	"R" : Right circular polarization
Desc: Defines the polarization of the incoming light dependent in relation to the HK=0,0 scattering plane. 

light.filter (string)

type: string
valid values: 
	"N" : none polarization filter (default)
	"S" : Sigma polarization filter (perpendicular to the scattering plane)
	"P" : Pi polarization filter (parallel to the scattering plane)
	"L" : Left circular polarization filter
	"R" : Right circular polarization filter
Desc: Defines the polarization filter of the outgoing light.

light.out TODO

Main Functions


 return value: nothing
 Desc: Calculates the scattering matrices for the whole layer structure. It depends on almost all parameters given earlier and executes the main routine.

Atom creation

atom.NewScatteringFactorAtom(number, number)

1. argument: real part of scattering factor (f1)
2. argument: imaginary part of scattering factor (f2)
return value: atom type
Desc: Generates a energy-independent atom type


1. argument: short element name like "Ti" for Titanium
return value: atom type
Desc: tries to find name.ff in order to load the scattering factor files or uses the internal database.

atom.NewAtom(string, q)

1. argument: short element name like "Ti" for Titanium
2. argument: defines the scattering for a certain momentum transfer q [Unit: A^-1]
return value: atom type
Desc: tries to find name.ff in order to load the scattering factor files or uses the internal database.

atom.NewMagneticAtom(number, number, number, number, number, number)

1. argument: real part of scattering factor (f1)
2. argument: imagninary part of scattering factor (f2)
3. argument: real part of magnetic scattering factor (f1m)
4. argument: imagninary part of magnetic scattering factor (f2m)
5. argument: direction of magnetiztion (theta angle in degrees)
6. argument: direction of magnetization (phi angle in degrees)
return value: atom type
Desc: Generates a energy-independent atom type with magnetic contributions


1. argument: filename of tabulated scattering factors	
return value: atom type
Desc: Generates a energy-dependent atom type


1. argument: filename of tabulated scattering tensors
return value: atom type
Desc: Generates a energy-dependent atom type

Reciprocal lattice

rl.Set(vec2, vec2, Decimal number, Decimal number)

 1. Argument: First unit cell vector in-plane
 2. Argument: Second unit cell vector in-plane
 3. Argument: unit cell length in z-direction. This is needed to define the l-value in the function SetThetaHKL
 Desc: Sets the lattice parameters in 2D. Adds the mandatory reciprocal lattice vector (H,K)=(0,0)
 return value: nothing

rl.b1() rl.b2() rl.b3()

 return value: Vec3
 Desc: Returns the three reciprocal lattice vectors.


 return value: integer
 Desc: return the number of reciprocal lattice vectors calculated.

rl.AddReciprocalLatticeVector(number, number)

 1. Argument: Miller indice H of the reciprocal lattice vector
 2. Argument: Miller indice K of the reciprocal lattice vector
 return value: nothing
 Desc: Adds a reciprocal lattice vector HK to the list of vector, which have to be calculated


 1. Argument: Radius in the reciprocal lattice space
 return value: nothing
 Desc: Renews the list of reciprocal lattice vectors with a list of all reciprocal lattice vector withing the radius

Slab Settings

slabs.AddSlabs(number, number)

 1. Argument: number of slabs to create
 2. Argument: thickness of each slab
 return value: nothing

slabs.AddAtom(number, atom type, Vec3)

 1. Argument: add to the slab with index i
 2. Argument: the variable with the atom type
 3. Argument: Position of the atom inside the slab
 return value: nothing


 Desc: Describes the final film structure. These are basically comma seperated slab indices or variables defined in slabs.DefineCrystal
       Additionally it allows to place brackets and repetitions
 Examples:  "0,1"
            "100*(1,2), 0"
            "100*(0,1), 100000*(2)"
            "100*( 2*(0,1), 2*(3,4) )"
            "Crys1, Crys2" (if "Crys1" and "Crys2" were defined with slabs.CreateCrystal or the other functions)
 return value: nothing

slabs.CreateCrystal(string, string)

 1. argument: Variable name of this structure. Allowed signs: 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '_', and '0'-'9' if it is not the first sign
 2. argument: Crystal definition like in the function slabs.SetStructure
 return value: nothing
 Desc: Defines a seperate crystal which can be used in the function slabs.SetStructure

slabs.CreateHom(string, string)

 1. argument: Variable name of this structure. Allowed signs: 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '_', and '0'-'9' if it is not the first sign
 2. argument: Crystal definition like in the function slabs.SetStructure
 return value: nothing
 Desc: Defines a slab of an unordered crystal. The crystal is reduced to a continuum with the correct optical constants

slabs.CreateInterface(string, string, string, number, number)

 1. argument: Variable name of this structure. Allowed signs: 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '_', and '0'-'9' if it is not the first sign
 2. argument: Crystal definition of the top crystal like in the function slabs.SetStructure
 3. argument: Crystal definition of the bottom crystal like in the function slabs.SetStructure
 4. argument: Total thickness of this interface with unordered crystal. The interface will be in the center of this slab.
 5. argument: Discretization of this interface. (around 3*thickness/sigma)
 6. argument: Roughness sigma in Angstrom
 return value: nothing
 Desc: Defines a slab with two unordered crystal and a rough interface. 

General Functions


 return value: nothing


 return value: Decimal Number


 return value: Decimal Number


  return value: Vec3


  return value: Vec3

SetThetaHKL(integer h, integer k, Decimal number l)

return value: integer (-1 if error)
Desc: Calculates the angle theta for a fixed phi angle and given hkl triple. Variable l can be non-integer. Returns the index of the reciprocal lattice vector.
	a negative number of l means transmission whereas a positive number means reflection. The calculated angle theta is automatically set in the variable light.theta


return value: nothing
valid values: 
   MS.KINEMATIC:   Kinematical scattering (independent scatterers and independent light)
   MS.NONE:   No multiple scattering is calculated (enable light absorbtion and refraction)
   MS.LAYER:  Interlayer multiple scattering is enabled
   MS.INTERATOMIC: Interlayer as well as interatomic multiple scattering is enabled (not supported yet)

SetNumericAccuracy(type) (not supported yet)

valid values: 
   NUM.FLOAT: The decimals numbers are defined as 4 byte floating point numbers
   NUM.DOUBLE: The decimals numbers are defined as 8 byte floating point numbers
   NUM.LONGDOUBLE: The decimals numbers are defined as 10 byte floating point numbers. (Architecture dependent)
   NUM.QUAD: The decimals numbers are defined as 16 byte floating point numbers


valid values:
   M.DIAGONAL: Neglect off-diagonal terms of the matrices. Very fast but leads to separate scattering channels.
   M.FULL: Use Full Matrix-Matrix-Multiplications
   M.BLAS: Like M.FULL but use of BLAS-libraries to increase performance of matrix-matrix-multiplication (not working yet)

Queue functions for Parallelization


  Desc: Add current light configuration to queue


  Desc: Execute the current queue parallelized


  Variable1: Index in the queue beginning from zero
  Desc: Activates a result of the queue.


  return value: Number of entries in the queue


 Desc: Clears the queue (Bug: Memory is not freed)

Fitting functions

fit.AddVariable(number, number, number, number)

1. argument: initial value for number
2. argument: stepsize of 1.arguement in first iteration . If unsure choose 0.1*initial_value. The value must not be zero!
3. argument: lower boundary for variable
4. argument: upper boundary for variable


1. argument: Lua function which should return an error
Desc: The function receives a list of parameters (array of numbers), and should return an error (number)


1. argument: Number of simplex iterations to perform